The Inaccuracy of Zestimates

13 05 2014

Where to go on Zillow to find the accuracy in your area of Zestimates and just how inaccurate they truly are

The cycle has begun!

3 06 2013

Yes, the real estate market is coming back…but that is not the cycle I am referring too. I am referring to the cycle of people seeing the market pick up and now wanting to get into real estate. Whenever I interview an agent I almost always hear them say “All my friends say I should get into real estate” or “I love looking at homes”. Hardly ever do I hear “I am a good business person”. 

Real estate is a great business and it is a get rich business…but it is not just a “looking at homes” business. That is actually the easy part. Everyone has a friend or family member buying or selling a home and everyone of them probably knows 3 real estate agents. In the peak of the past market in 2005-2006 they knew 5 or 6 agents. The truth is a lot of friends don’t want their Realtor friends knowing their personal business.

The hard part of real estate is getting past the people you know and prospecting for new clients. If you are doing real estate part-time, then working the people you know is fine. If you are working real estate FULL-TIME, then you have to prospect EVERY day. You have to take your marketing seriously. You have to budget. In other words, you have to build a business. I am proud to own a business…not just have a job. Realtors are independent contractors and are in business for themselves.

If you want to make a career out of real estate, then learn how to build a business to get past the people you know to the people you want to meet. This will sustain your business and allow it to grow. You want your business to always have growth. If you can say “I know how to prospect” then you would be a good real estate agent.

Give me a call if you are in the North Texas area and want to learn how to prospect…or grow your business in real estate at 972-396-9100 or email at

#remax, #remaxfourcorners, #realestate, #learnrealestate